117 days is about 3.9 months (3.84 average months, 3 months and 26 days) There is no fixed number of days in a month, but the average is 30.4 days a month. 28-day months . . . 4.17857 (rounded) 29-day months . . . 4.03448 (rounded) 30-day months . . . 3.9 31-day months . . . 3.77419 (rounded)
well my son is 3 months and 24 inches.
around 3 months old (im not sure though. i just estimated :) Actually you would only be 34.7 days old - just over one month.
1.239 rounded to 3 significant digits is 1.24
I'm sorry i don't have an answer, but my 3 month old does the same thing! i will get back if i find anymore info!
Physical Development of a 3 to 6 month old baby
one month <3 <3 <3
the brains of 3 month old tucan birds the brains of 3 month old tucan birds
That's ok. She can have company, and you can put her back.
yes. in Bangladesh a 3 month old baby girl and 11 month old baby boy were married.I don't know when, but somewhere between2013. the babies are the youngest to marry.
When ours was 3 month old, she weighed approximately 3lbs. We got her when she was that age, and she was really small.
As a 3 month old foetus
A 3-month-old hamster is still considered a juvenile and is in the early stages of its life. Hamsters have a relatively short lifespan, usually around 2-3 years, so at 3 months old, they are still quite young.
What could you possibly mean by carry? Your dependents, and a 3 month old may be a dependent, can be claimed as a deduction.
You can get rid of gas in a 3 month old by simply giving the baby plain warm water or rubbing his/her tummy in a circular patern.You get rid of gas in a 3 month old by using gripe water or giving the baby plain warm water.
No..Must be at least a year old..