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Q: What if a product is two for one but you want three how much money will the third cost?
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Does splashup cost money?

No. Splashup does not cost money, it is a free web 2.0 product.

Why do you think companies are concerned about how much money it cost to make a product?

why are companies concerned about how much a product cost to make

Does a tweet account cost money?

Twitte does not cost any money to use. There is no advertising on the site for third party companies.

What are three major cost components of a manufactured product?

Materials(the cost of the raw materials used in the product) Labour(the cost in employing workers to manufacture the product) Transportation(the costs associated with both the transportation of the materials and of the finished product)

How much does sonic generations demo cost?

It's free, why would it cost money to sample a product?

Is real cost and money cost is similar?

Real cost and money cost is not similar.Real costs are actually much broader in scope and cover all the aspects of sacrifice involved in acquiring a product.

What is the present perfect tense of cost?

It is 'cost'. For example, if the noun used is first or third person plural, it is always 'have cost'; if the noun used is third person singular it is 'has cost'.Present perfect is have/has costThey/We/You/I have cost us a fortune.He/She/It has cost the school lot of money

What do you mean by Money cost and Real cost?

Money cost refers to actually dollar amount, whereas Real cost takes into account the efforts involved in making a product, such as physical or mental effort.

What is the general approach as to when product cost are recognized as an expense?

Product costs are recognised as expenses when those products are sold to third party or end user until that cost remains as an asset in business.

What is production cost and break even analysis?

The production cost is the cost to produce the product. The break even analysis is the amount you would have to sell the product for to simple break even on your cost-not to make a profit or lose money.

What is by product costing costing?

Product cost accuracy is a term used in the accounting field. It essentially defines the amount of money it actually costs to produce a product.

How would you describe an out-of-pocket cost?

An out-of-pocket cost refers to the amount of money that an individual is required to pay for a service or product that is not covered by insurance or any other third-party payer. This expense is typically paid directly by the individual at the time of service.