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If there was no math in the world we wouldn't no that many things because math is the main subject in the world. It is the main subject because you will see numbers everywhere and that is math.

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Q: What if there where no math in the world?
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Math is not there to improve the world on its own. Math is there to support Physics, Englineering and other subjects which do improve the world.

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Where was math born?

math was not born but it was created in the world

What in the world has nothing to do with math?

Nothing everything has to deal with math

What type of math do people do in Ireland?

Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.Math is the same all over the world, so the math in Ireland is the same as anywhere else.

When does registration for world math day open?

Registration has already closed for the 2009 World Math Day.

Is math boring is that just me?

No yes. i think most of the world hates math

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Math math math even needed by a cat even to wear a hat math math math

How is math related to the world?

lets put it this way you will never succed without math... every job requires math

Was math in Africa?

Math is used everywhere in the world including Africa. Math is used in markets to trade or count change.

25 ways math is used in the real world?

you use math almost everyday any job you do you use math.

What in the world does not involve math?

The reason why the world needs math is because, almost everything we do involves math. Either its work, or school. Every one needs math. Math may be hard to some people but all u got to do is pay attention to what your teacher says.