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Fault can be assigned to one driver, or to both equally, or to both in percentages, depending on the circumstances and the degree to which each driver contributed to the accident. The court will consider prejudicial factors such as whether laws were broken and who could have best avoided the accident.

Where a driver broke a traffic law, such as backing all the way across a traffic lane, fault would likely be assigned him. But another principle is that anyone who could have acted, but failed to, to avoid the accident, even if in the right as far as traffic regulations are concerned, will be considered fully or at least substantially At Fault.

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Q: What if two people backing out of opposite driveways hit each other who's at fault?
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What is the opposite word of fault?

Merits is the opposite word of fault. Wickedness is the opposite of virtue although many people use the words "Virtue" and "Fault" as antonyms. .

If you were parked in a parking space and you back out of your spot and while you are still backing out of it another car backs into you That is their fault right?

Generally, the person backing out is at fault. If you are both backing out you're probably both at fault and will probably share the cost of repair, with each repairing their own. yes because you were backing out and they hit your car its their fault!!!!!!! yes because you were backing out and they hit your car its their fault!!!!!!!

Who is at fault when you are backing into a parking lot space?

Any time the driver who is backing is at fault, in all 50 states.

If you are backing into a parking space and you are hit by the drivers side door to the rear wheel who is at fault?

Well if you were backing in and hit someone then it is your fault. But if they hit you, then it is their fault.

When backing out of a driveway with a parked car directly opposite the driveway on a two lane road who is responsible if the car that is backing up hits the parked car?

The car in motion is ALWAYS at fault when it hits a stationary vehicle.

If you are backing out of a parking spot and hit a unoccupied vehicle- who is at fault?

You are at fault.

What is the opposite of a reverse fault?

A normal fault is the opposite of a reverse fault.

Who fault if person backing out of a parking space and hits a car driving the wrong way in a car park?

If the person backing out of the space had not seen a pedestrian walking the "wrong way" it would be the fault of the driver of the car backing out....... So it is the fault of the person backing out. They did not look to make sure it was safe to do so.

Who is at fault when you are backing out and a car pulls up behind you after you have looked?

it is ALWAYS the fault of the backing driver. They bear the responsibility to make sure they can back with safety.

Who is at fault I was backing out of a parking spot was hit by a car coming around the corner I have no damage their right side fender was dented whose at fault?

Most defintley his fault, you were backing out, he should have saw you first.

Who is at fault if you hit a car backing out of a parking space?

In most states, fault lies with the person who had the "last clear chance" to avoid the accident. If you saw the car backing up at you and just sat there and let it hit you, it's your fault. If you saw the car backing up and thought "I can get past them" and instead hit them, it's your fault.

You were backing out of your driveway the other day and your neighbor was backing out at the same time you ended up backing into each other you were both going to go East?

I live on the south side of the street she lives on the north. Our driveways are even with each other. When we bumped into each other my driveside bumper and her front passanger door were dented. Who is more at fault. She was running late for work and did not want too call the police and now she is saying I hit her and it is my fault. Initailly she stated the same as me that neither of us were paying attention to behind us only too oncoming traffic.