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The answer is a negative or positive integer with one or two digits.

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Q: What if you begin with one digit integer multiply by 3 add 8 by 2 and subtract by 6?
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It depends on whether you mean the highest digit that you add or subtract or multiply by!

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As given it is an integer. However, if redrafted as 0.634920634920634... at every Which is a recurring decimal to infinity. This decimal recurs at every sixth digit. So we say Let P = 0.634920634920634... 1000000P = 634920.634920634... Subtract 999999P = 634920 . 0 Note the decimals subtract to zero. P = 634920/999999 Cancel down by '3' 211640/333333 The answer!!!!! Subtract

How to check the divisibility by 23?

Multiply the last digit by 7. Subtract that number from the remaining digits. If that number is divisible by 23, then the original number is divisible by 23.

How do you multiply a three-digit number by a two-digit number?

Multiply the three-digit number by the one's digit, or last digit, of the two-digit number. That is your first part. Now multiply by the second-to-last digit, or ten's digit, and multiply the result by 10. That is your second part. Add the two parts and that is your answer.

What is the sum of largest 4-digit positive integer and smallest 3-digit negative integer?


What is the answer to a 4 digit number subtracted from a 5 digit number to equal 33333?

Any four-digit number will do. Add it to the number 33333, to get the original number you have to subtract from.Any four-digit number will do. Add it to the number 33333, to get the original number you have to subtract from.Any four-digit number will do. Add it to the number 33333, to get the original number you have to subtract from.Any four-digit number will do. Add it to the number 33333, to get the original number you have to subtract from.

What is the smallest three digit?

The smallest three digit integer is 100

What is an integer digit?

dvve evd

What is the sum of smallest and largest 5 digit whole number?

The smallest 5 digit integer is -99999. The largest 5 digit integer is 99999. The sum is therefore 0.

Is a decimal integer?

A decimal number can be an integer. All that decimal means is that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right.