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Some boys have erections often as they begin Puberty. It is common and natural to happen. Try not to worry about it as it will get less often as you grow older and learn to control your thoughts. Some boys find it helps to masturbate regularly when in the privacy of their bedroom or bathroom. Try not to let it become a habit though as addiction is not good in anything.

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Q: What if you get constant erections?
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constant erections.

What are the negative effect of smoking?

It is really only how you yourself perceive it. That's your reality. Smoking Cannabis can sometimes bring about headaches and constant erections.

How do you not get erections?

I'm afraid there's no way to stop erections. Erections happen to every man

If the cause of erections is blood flow why do you not have a constant erection?

Erections are not constant because the body has mechanisms that regulate blood flow to the penis. When you are not sexually aroused, blood flow to the penis is restricted by the contraction of blood vessels, preventing a continuous erection. Erections occur in response to sexual stimulation when these blood vessels relax, allowing increased blood flow to the penis.

What does it mean when you get constant erections even at pointless times?

It is quite normal, you only start to worry when you don't.

Which part of the body do girls use in erections?

Girls don't get erections, because they don't have penises. Only boys get erections.

Does not going to the bathroom cause non erections?

No. Erections are not linked to constipation.

When was New Erections created?

New Erections was created on 2007-03-20.

How do erections form?

Erections form by having blood flowing through the penis.

What are the physiological mechanisms behind female erections and how do they differ from male erections?

Female erections, also known as clitoral engorgement, occur when blood flow increases to the clitoris, causing it to become enlarged and sensitive. This is similar to the process of male erections, where blood flow increases to the penis. However, female erections are typically less noticeable and do not result in the same level of rigidity as male erections.

Can women get erections?

No, women do not have the anatomical structures necessary to experience erections like men do.

Is there such thing as a phobia of erections?

Yes, the fear of erections does exist.The fear of erections or an erect penis is called Ithyphallophobia. The phobia is mainly found in victims of sexual abuse.