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You could not tell if someone was touching your hand

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Q: What if you have a problem with a mechanoreceptor?
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A problem with a mechanoreceptor might mean that?

You couldn't tell if someone was touching your hand

A stretch receptor is classified as a?


A stretch receptor is classified as a a chemoreceptor b mechanoreceptor c photoreceptor d thermoreceptor e all of these?

A stretch receptors is classified as a mechanoreceptor.

What does not rely on mechanoreceptor?

Smell and Sight apex

How does the mechanoreceptor reflex effect breathing?

The mechanoreceptor reflex plays a role in regulating breathing by sensing changes in lung volume and informing the brain to adjust the rate and depth of breathing accordingly. When mechanoreceptors in the lungs detect changes in inflation or deflation, they send signals to the respiratory centers in the brainstem that control breathing rate and depth. This reflex helps maintain appropriate levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body.

Are thermoreceptors a type of mechanoreceptors?

No, thermoreceptors detect temperature while mechanoreceptors detect mechanical stimuli such as pressure or vibration. They are different types of sensory receptors specialized for different sensory functions.

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What type of sensory receptor allows us to feel an insect landing on your skin?


Which can the sense of hearing be classified as a proprioceptor a mechanoreceptor a thermocepter or a photoreceptor?

The sense of hearing can be classified as a mechanoreceptor because it detects mechanical stimuli in the form of sound waves. Proprioceptors detect changes in muscle length and tension, while thermoceptors respond to temperature changes, and photoreceptors detect light.

What type of stimulis do mechanoreceptors detect?

Mechanoreceptors detect mechanical stimuli such as pressure, stretch, vibration, and touch. They are sensitive to physical changes in their environment and convert these mechanical stimuli into electrical signals that the nervous system can interpret.