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Q: What if you wrote the word CAPITOL and flipped its reflection across a vertical line which letters would look the same?
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Which capital letters of the alphabet have line reflection symmetry?

The letters with vertical line symmetry are: W, T, Y, U, I, O, A, H, X, V, M. The letters with horizontal line symmetry are: E, I, O, D, H, X, C, B.

Why do letters appear backwards in a mirror?

In a mirror, the reflection of a letter appears flipped horizontally, causing it to appear backwards. This is because mirrors reflect light in such a way that the left-right orientation of the image is reversed. Your brain interprets this as seeing the letter in reverse.

Is points named by capital letters true or false?

Points are named with the capitol letter 'P' in the beginning. So yes they are named with capitol letters : TRUE They are also only named with ONE capitol letter.

Which letters in the alphabet have horizontal and vertical symmetry?

For capitol letters: Vertical - A, H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Horizontal - B, C, D, E, H, I, K, O, X Both - H, I, X, O For lower-case letters: Vertical - i, l, m, o, t, u, v, w, x Horizontal - c, l, o Both - l, o These are of course font or handwriting dependant, but I think that covers the possibilities

Which letters have horizontol and vertical symmetry?

Letters with both horizontal and vertical symmetry are: (lower case) - lox (upper case) - HIOX

What letters in the alphabet have vertical and horizontal lines of symmetry?

the letters are : E

How do you make words understandable in a reflection?

write them backward incuding the letters and then they look normal in the reflection

What word can you spell with the letters ratcvile?


Which letters have a line symmetry?

Letters that have a vertical line symmetry: WTYUIOAHXVM Letters that have a horizontal Line symmetry: EIODHKCB

Why do asymmetrical letters appear to get flipped more than symmetrical letters?

asymmetrical letters appear filpped because they dont look the same where as symmetrical letter looks same on both sides.

What lowercase letters in the alphabet can you draw a line of reflection through?

What you mean by line of reflection but if you are talking about symmetry line than the small letters can be 'x, w, i, o, k, l, v, '

What upper case letters have vertical line of symmetry?

The letters A H I O T X Y all have a vertical line of symmetry (as they look the same on the left as they do on the right).