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Q: What if your brain is more receptive to recall when you are able to set aside large blocks of study time true or false?
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How do you use the word receptive in a sentence?

The principal was receptive to new ideas. The brain was receptive to dopamine. Receptive people listen well. The usually receptive Nadine was tired of listening to everybody's ideas.

What is the medical term meaning the protective mechanism that blocks chemicals from entering brain tissue?

The blood brain barrier blocks chemicals from entering brain tissue.

What are some adjectives that describe a brain and begin with the letter R?

receptive - absorbs new information

How many sounds can the brain recall?

over 30,000

If you pinch a nerve will it affect the brain?

No, aside from the brain knowing something does not feel right.

What transmits pulses from the eye to the brain?

The optic nerve carries the signals from the eyes to the brain. The eye can be considered as part of the brain; an outgrowth of it; and much of the surface of the brain, normally covered by bone, is photo receptive. Some of the signal from each eye goes to both sides of the brain.

What is the most common of the receptive dysphasia?

The most common type of receptive dysphasia is Wernicke's aphasia. This is characterized by fluent but nonsensical speech, poor comprehension, and difficulty with word retrieval and naming objects. It is typically caused by damage to the left temporal lobe of the brain.

What is the area that controls the comprehension of language in the brain?

The area that controls the comprehension of language in the brain is called Wernicke's area, located in the left hemisphere of the brain in most individuals. Damage to this area can result in receptive aphasia, where language comprehension is impaired.

What are the release dates for Total Recall 2070 - 1999 Brain Fever 1-10?

Total Recall 2070 - 1999 Brain Fever 1-10 was released on: Canada: 16 March 1999 USA: 7 May 1999

What efects does alcohol have on the brain?

Aside from the obvious effects that the imbiber feels, there is the matter of brain cell damage. Alcohol kills brain cells, and brain cells are not replaceable. Think about that while you still can.

What is Robaxin 750mg?

That is a common muscle relaxant and depressant. It blocks pain signals to your brain.

How many slices was Albert Einstein's brain cut up into?

Thomas Stoltz Harvey, who performed the autopsy, dissected Einstein's brain into about 240 blocks.