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Take it to vets ASAP!

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Q: What if your cat has a round oozing red spot on his leg?
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Who made spanky leg?

its called the "stanky leg" and its the g-spot boyz

When my scab on my leg came off so did the pigment and now i have a white spot on my leg what can i do to make the spot tan again?

you can put a patch that is tan on it

What does it mean when there's blood coming out of your cat's leg?

your cat probably has a cut

Why does your cat hump your leg?

it is trying to mate with you

Where is the hock on a cat?

The back of the lower leg .

Can you compare a breastbone and a leg bone?

Breast bone is round and a leg bone is straight

What animal is peg leg pete?

Peg Leg Pete is a cat with uniquely human characteristics.

Can cats grab your leg like a human can?

no, I am sure a cat can not grad your leg like a human, but they can grab your leg with both of there paws.

Will a cat cry when he breaks his leg?

yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!a cat can cry if it breakes it's leg because cats have fellins and nerves that hurt if it injures it so yes a cat can cryjasmin corona 21 yeares oldminnisota

How do you fix a cat's broken leg?

You take it to the vet.

What are facts about the battle of okinawa?

your face your leg your cat

How do you get rid of dark spot on your leg?

burn it loli burn it loli