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Instead of giving her your work show her how to do it. This will help her and solve your problem.

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Q: What if your friend keeps copying you in homework assignments and she needs help because she doesn't get it but you are afraid to confront her?
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The most boring homework for many students is typically repetitive tasks or assignments with no clear purpose or connection to the subject matter. This could include copying notes, busywork, or memorization exercises that don't allow for critical thinking or creativity.

Is copying homework an example of plagiarisms?

The definition of plagiarism is copying someone else's work and claiming it is your own, yes.

Does anyone else get the feeling that school kids are just asking their homework questions on WikiAnswers and copying the answers into their assignments to pass it off as their own work?

Totally! I know people that do it all the time. That's why schools block it from their computers at school but what they do at home is a totally different topic.I can positively say that kids are copying answers on wikianswers and writing them on their own homework and using it as their own work and answers unforuntally.Its a shame what kids do anymore :(

How did the Wagner act. help working people?

People started doing their homework legit instead of copying and pasting from the internet.

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Neutrons and Protons. When copying questions directly from your homework, I recommend rephrasing the question in a way that the answerer can understand.

Is it a fact or an opinion that copying homework assignments wrong?

It's dependent on how you use the word "wrong". If we're speaking strictly on moral grounds, it would be an opinion. If wrong refers to "against the rules", then you would have to look at the rule book. If the rule book indicated such a thing, it would be a fact.

What does Brian realize at the end of chapter 5?

Brian realized that you are copying this for your homework CHEATER

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I followed the common procedure of copying homework from the internet, in writing this sentence.

Can you get detention in sims 3 mac?

yes you can by slacking off or copying someone else's homework.

Is copyright infringement and copying someone's homework the same thing?

Generally copying someone else's work to pass off as your own is considered plagiarism. You are correct that it would additionally be infringing.

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lots of factors and if your a kid copying this for your homework sheet get off the computers and do it the right way

How did the Wagner act working people?

People started doing their homework legit instead of copying and pasting from the internet.