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Q: What important reaction happens at 100 million degrees kelvin?
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What happens at 100 million degrees kelvin?

You get Nuclear Fusion, which produces an enormous amount of energy. The center of the sun, for example, is near 20 million degrees Kelvin

How is the fusion done using hydrogen in the sun?

Hydrogen-1 is fused into helium-4. This happens at high temperatures - somewhere around 14 million kelvin (which, at such high temperatures, is the same as 14 million degrees Celsius, for all practical purposes). There are two main reaction chains that in stars: the proton-proton chain reaction, and the CNO cycle. I suggest you read the corresponding Wikipedia articles, if you want more details about each of the reaction chains. Anyway, in our Sun, the predominant reaction chain is the proton-proton chain reaction.

15 million degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit?

15 million degrees Celsius is equal to 27 million degrees Fahrenheit.

What is 25 million Fahrenheit in degrees?

25 million degrees Fahrenheit = 13,888,871.1 degrees Celsius.

How hot is 15 millon degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?

15 million degrees Celsius is approximately 27 million degrees Fahrenheit.

How hot is the core of the sun in Fahrenheit?

The core of the sun is about 27 million degrees Fahrenheit.

Is the sun about 15 million degrees c?

The core of the sun is about 15 million degrees Celsius.

What is 2million degrees celsius in Fahrenheit?

2 million degrees Celsius is approximately 3.6 million degrees Fahrenheit.

What temperature does nuclear fusion happen for a star?

A few million degrees - up to a billion or so, in a supernova.A few million degrees - up to a billion or so, in a supernova.A few million degrees - up to a billion or so, in a supernova.A few million degrees - up to a billion or so, in a supernova.

Is there anything hotter then 2 million degrees?

yes. seven is hotter than 2 million degrees.

Sun surface temperature?

The sun has no real surface, just different layers of plasma. The layer of the sun that we see is called the "photosphere." The temperatures of the different layers are shown below -- Center -- 27-million degrees Convective zone -- about 7-million degrees Photosphere -- 10,300 degrees Chromosphere -- 22,900 degrees Corona -- 2-million degrees

Why isn't life possible on the sun?

Because its : 15 Million degrees Celsius or 27 Million degrees Fahrenheit