To make a mixed number into an improper fraction, multiply the whole number in front by the denominator (the bottom number of the fraction). Add the result to the numerator (the number on top) and replace it over the denominator.
Therefore: (3 X 6 = 18) + 5/6 = 23/6
improper fraction of 1 and 3 over 8 = 11/51 3/8:= [(8 * 1)+3]/8= [8+3]/5= 11/5 in improper fraction
The improper fraction or 'top heavy' fraction of 5/2 is equivalent to 10/4
If your looking for a mixed fraction, the answer is 5 wholes, and 3 fifths. If your looking for a improper fraction, the answer is 28/5.
improper fraction for 3 and 5 sixths = 23/63 5/6:= [(6 * 3)+5]/6= [18+5]/6= 23/6 in improper fraction
It is: 3.4 = 17/5 as an improper fraction
improper fraction equivalent to 3 and two fifths = 17/53 and 2/5= 3 + 2/5= 15/5 + 2/5= 17/5 in improper fraction
improper fraction of 1 and 3 over 8 = 11/51 3/8:= [(8 * 1)+3]/8= [8+3]/5= 11/5 in improper fraction
The improper fraction or 'top heavy' fraction of 5/2 is equivalent to 10/4
If your looking for a mixed fraction, the answer is 5 wholes, and 3 fifths. If your looking for a improper fraction, the answer is 28/5.
improper fraction equivalent to 2 and 4 over 5 = 14/5 2 4/5: = [(5 * 2)+4]/5 = [10+4]/5 = 14/5 in improper fraction
3 as an improper fraction with a denominator of 5 = 15/5
3 6/5 as an improper fraction is 21/5.
You cannot change 3/5 into an improper fraction. An improper fraction has a numerator that is greater than the denominator.
This becomes 5/3 as an improper fraction.
improper fraction for 3 and 5 sixths = 23/63 5/6:= [(6 * 3)+5]/6= [18+5]/6= 23/6 in improper fraction
It is: 3.4 = 17/5 as an improper fraction
2 3/5:= [(5*2)+3]/5= [10+3]/5= 13/5 in improper fraction