The lowest common multiple is 60.
When no whole number will not go into both the numerator and the denominator evenly.
105 is the lowest, following this, multiples of 105
no that's as low as it can go because 17 is a prime number
To turn fractions into their lowest terms, simply divide the two numbers by a number that goes into them both. Example: 16/8. Devide by 8, which goes into both, and get 2/1 AKA 2. If a number doesn't go into both, it's the "lowest term"
35/8 already in lowest terms only 2 or 4 go into 8 and neither go into 35
This is all about factorising. Firstly yo have to find the biggest number that will go into both 15 and 75. 15 goes into both 15 and 75. Divide both numbers by 15, (15/15=1) (75/15=5) Therefore the ratio in its lowest terms is 1:5 If you can not recognise that 15 is the highest common factor straight off then look for smaller ones each time. e.g. divide by 5. Ratio = 3:15 divide new ration by 3. Ratio = 1:5
No. 7/96 is in the simplest form.
The lowest common multiple is 60.
It is 4/5.
When no whole number will not go into both the numerator and the denominator evenly.
The lowest number that both 6 and 15 can go into is 30.
The MEDIAN. When ordering the set, make sure the numbers go from lowest to jighest , or highest to lowest ( Rank order). NB MEAN is the sum of all the terms divided by the number of terms. MODE is the most frequent term. RANGE is the different between highest and lowest terms.
The number is 120.
105 is the lowest, following this, multiples of 105
no that's as low as it can go because 17 is a prime number