A cube is "cube" shaped like a square box.
A cube can be a slide by: a. If the net is opened and shaped as a slide. Peter
plant cell
a cube, postit notes
A cube is "cube" shaped like a square box.
a game cube is a box-shaped game console.
Go on google and tipe in cube on images. The image that comes up is a cube.
A cube can be a slide by: a. If the net is opened and shaped as a slide. Peter
The bones that are cube shaped are called short bones. Examples of short bones in the body would be tarsals and carpals.
All three known species of wombat produce cube-shapes faeces, better known as scats, but this does not mean they have a cube-shaped rectum. It is more to do with the type of food eaten by wombats and its fairly slow metabolism. The purpose in having cube shaped scats is so that the wombat can better mark its territory. Wombats leave scats to mark their territory atop rocks and logs, and cube shaped scats are less likely to roll away from the wombat's territory.
A cube.
a cube shaped dice
plant cell
It can be a cube or a cuboid...
Rectangular prism