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positive acceleration
Normal inspiration and expiration is directly related to contraction and relaxation of the diaphragm. This is involuntary act, normally.
Answeran erythrocyte, or red blood cell (approx. 5um). This forces the blood cells to pass through in single file, maximising oxygen diffusion efficiency.***Average diameter of an erythrocyte is 7.8 micrometerAverage calibre (diameter of the lumen) is 5-10 micrometerThis means that the diameter of an average erythrocyte is smaller than the calibre of the narrowest capillaries. Young erythrocytes can be deformed into any shape. The old lack such deformability, hence, their membrane rupture during their passage especially through splenic capillaries. Their lifetime is 120 days. If we are hopeless to need the old ones, then the spleen will be removed.ahmetcorak
HERE ARE SOME SITES YOU MIGHT WANT TO TAKE A LOOK AT... WITH A SHORT DESCRIPTION OF WHAT INFORMATION IT HAS ON THE WEBPAGE. * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eratosthenes- This is the Wikipedia page for Eratosthenes. It has a lot of information about him as well as how he measured the circumference of the Earth. It also lists reasons why Eratosthenes's calculation of the Earth's circumference has limited accuracy. * http://www.juliantrubin.com/bigten/eratosthenes.html - This site has all the information about how Eratosthenes measured the circumference of the Earth. It has a diagram to illustrate and explain further. This site also lists other sites and books relating to the math topic. * http://outreach.as.utexas.edu/marykay/assignments/eratos1.html - This is a webpage with information on how to do an activity related to Eratosthenes and his calculation of the Earth's circumference. It has some diagrams, some that show how Eratosthenes measured it, and some show real-world examples of how you can calculate the Earth's circumference just like Eratosthenes. Along with the drawing, this webpage has instructions on how you can measure the circumference of the Earth in real-life situations. * http://www.astro.cornell.edu/academics/courses/astro201/eratosthenes.htm - This webpage shows how the Earth's circumference was measured by Eratosthenes using geometry. It has a nice, easy-to-understand diagram to further explain Eratosthenes's calculation. The information on the webpage is probably very reliable since it's from a university. * http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/58988.html - This webpage is from Dr. Math's website. It has a very detailed explanation of how Eratosthenes measured the circumference of the Earth. There are no diagrams though. * http://eduwww.mikkeli.fi/opetus/myk/kv/comenius/erathostenes.htm - This webpage has a short summary of Eratosthenes's life. It has information on how the sieve of Eratosthenes, another thing Eratosthenes worked out in during his lifetime, worked. This page also has a lot of information about Eratosthenes and his calculation of the Earth's circumference, with a couple of drawings to make it easier to understand. * http://maps.unomaha.edu/Peterson/carta/Notes/eratosthenes.html - This website has a short biography of Eratosthenes and also how he measured the circumference of the Earth. The explanation is very detailed and easy to understand even without the support of diagrams. This site has a .edu in the address, so I think it will be very reliable. * http://www.pbs.org/wnet/hawking/cosmostar/html/cstars_eratho.html - This PBS webpage has a short summary of Eratosthenes's life. This webpage has a little bit of information of Eratosthenes measure of the circumference of the Earth. It also tells how other great mathematicians, like Posidonius and Ptolemy, tried to measure the circumference of the Earth.
No. It is the change in velocity (not speed) during a given interval of time. It can be an increase or a decrease although a decrease is also called a deceleration.The distinction between velocity and speed can best be illustrated by an object going round in a circle at a constant speed. It is changing direction all the time so that its velocity is constantly changing. It is constantly accelerating even though it is travelling at constant speed.
During forced inspiration, the chest circumference can increase by approximately 2-5 cm due to the expansion of the ribcage and the muscles involved in breathing. This allows for more air to enter the lungs to accommodate the increased demand for oxygen during activities like exercise.
The anterior-posterior diameter ratio of the lungs with breathing is typically 1:2. During inspiration, the chest expands leading to an increase in the anterior-posterior diameter of the lungs. This ratio can vary depending on factors like lung volume and individual anatomy.
5280 feet/1320 turn = 4 foot circumference 4 foot cirumference/ (pi) = 1.273foot diameter
Intrapulmonary pressure decreases during quiet inspiration as the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract, expanding the thoracic cavity. This leads to an increase in lung volume and a decrease in intrapulmonary pressure, causing air to flow into the lungs.
The diaphragm contracts and so your abdomen comes out during inspiration.
During inspiration, lung volume increases as the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract, causing the chest cavity to expand. This expansion creates a pressure gradient that allows air to flow into the lungs, filling them with oxygen.
Cheyne-Stokes respiration is a rhythmic breathing pattern characterized by gradual increase and decrease in breathing rate and depth, with periods of apnea. This irregularity during inspiration and expiration can be observed in conditions such as heart failure, stroke, and brain injury.
During inspiration, the diaphragm contracts, moving downward, and the external intercostal muscles contract, moving the ribcage upward and outward. These actions increase the thoracic volume, causing the intrathoracic pressure to decrease. This decrease in pressure creates a pressure gradient that allows air to flow into the lungs.
The circumference of a circle can be found with the formula 2 pi R or 2 x 3.1416 x R. Radius is equal to half of the diameter, so the equation would be 2 x 3.1416 x 2 = 12.5664' or about 12' 6"
During inspiration, the chest cavity expands as the diaphragm contracts and moves downward, while the ribcage lifts and expands outward. This increase in space lowers the air pressure within the lungs, causing air to flow in to equalize the pressure. This process allows for oxygen to enter the lungs and carbon dioxide to be expelled.
The diaphragm.