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Q: What indicates the engines revolutions per minute?
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What is revving of engines?

Increasing the rpm (revolutions per minute) would be revving the engine.

What is rpm in relation to computers?

Its The Cpu's Revolutions Per Minute No its not the cpu's revolutions per minute lol. Its the hard drive revolutions per minute.

What does RPM stand for in the electrical field?

RPM stands for Revolutions Per Minute in the electrical field, typically associated with rotating machinery like motors or generators. RPM indicates the speed at which the equipment is operating.

Does the tachometer in a car indicate how many engines the car has?

no, tacho only indiacte the revolutions per minute of the engine when running

What is the RPM for a 2001 ford windstar?

On your tachometer RPM stands for Revolutions Per Minute ( it indicates how fast the engine is turning )

What is the measure of speed in an engine?

The measure of speed in an engine is typically given in revolutions per minute (RPM). This indicates how many times the engine's crankshaft rotates within a minute. RPM is a key factor in determining the performance and power output of an engine.

What dose RPM mean?

revolutions per minuite

RPM stands for?

Revolutions Per Minute Rotations Per Minute

What is rpm?

RPM stands for revolutions per minute. It is a measure of how many complete revolutions a rotating object makes in one minute. RPM is commonly used in fields such as engineering, automotive, and manufacturing to measure the speed of rotating components like engines, motors, or drills.

What is the full form of RPM?

Revolutions per minute or rounds per minute

Does rpm mean responses per minute?

No. it means revolutions per minute

What is the abbrevitation for revolutions per minute?