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Q: What instrument would you use to find the volume of a irregular solid?
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How would you find the volume of an irregular solid?

eat chips

What are the steps you would use to find the volume of an irregular solid in an oveflow can?

Fill the can to the overflow level with water.Very gently lower the irregular solid into the can and make sure to catch all the overflow.Measure the volume of overflow.That is the same as the volume of the irregular solid.Warning! This method will be a total disaster if the solid is soluble in water. You could try any other liquid instead.

How do you calculate the volume of irregular solids Describe please An irregular solid is like a toy car so how would you measure the volume of that Dont understand need help click on and find out?

The volumes of small irregular solids are usually easily measured by measuring the volume of fluid displaced when they are immersed in a liquid. For example: You would have to put the object in a measuring glass with water in it. (~1/3 filled) Put the object in it and then get the number from the measuring glass (beaker etc. mostly beaker) and that is how you measure a irregular solid!

How can you use water displacement to measure the volume of an irregular shaped solid?

Because, from Archimedes' Principle, the volume of the water displaced is equal to the volume of the object displacing it. So, were you to collect all the displaced water and put it into a graduated cylinder, it would tell you the volume of the object in question.

What would you use to measure volume of an irregular object?

I would place it in a container full of liquid after measuring the liquid. I would measure the amount of liquid displaced by the object. That amount is equal to the volume of the irregular object if it is fully submerged in the liquid.

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How do you measure the volume irregular solid?

You place it in water to see the volume of water it displaces. Fill a large, graduated measuring cylinder to about halfway with water (say to 50mL) Put the irregular solid in, and measure the volume it reads (solid + water). (say it reads 80mL) So the volume of the irregular solid will be: volume(solid+water) - volume(water). For example, the volume of the water was 50mL, and when the solid was added, the volume increased to 80mL. The volume of the solid would be 80mL - 50mL. So it would be 30mL.

How would you find the volume of an irregular solid?

eat chips

Which of the units would you use to express volume of an irregular solid such as a rock?


Which units would you use to use to express the volume of a irregular solid such as a rock?


What are the steps you would use to find the volume of an irregular solid in an oveflow can?

Fill the can to the overflow level with water.Very gently lower the irregular solid into the can and make sure to catch all the overflow.Measure the volume of overflow.That is the same as the volume of the irregular solid.Warning! This method will be a total disaster if the solid is soluble in water. You could try any other liquid instead.

Why find mass of irregular solid before finding volume?

Finding the mass of an irregular solid before finding its volume allows for the mass to be determined without altering the shape or structure of the object. This preserves the accuracy of the mass measurement because irregular shapes may not easily fit into standard volume measuring equipment. Additionally, knowing the mass can help determine the most appropriate method for measuring the volume of the irregular solid.

What is The differences in finding the density of rectangular solid object and finding the density of an irregular solid object?

To find the density of a rectangular solid object, you would calculate the mass of the object by multiplying its volume by its density. For an irregular solid object, you would typically measure its mass using a balance and its volume using displacement of water, then divide the mass by the volume to find the density. The main difference lies in how you determine the volume of the object, with rectangular solids having a straightforward formula for volume calculation compared to irregular shapes which require more complex methods.

When is ml the preferred unit to use to for volume?

When you are measureing smaller units you would use mL

How do you calculate the volume of irregular solids Describe please An irregular solid is like a toy car so how would you measure the volume of that Dont understand need help click on and find out?

The volumes of small irregular solids are usually easily measured by measuring the volume of fluid displaced when they are immersed in a liquid. For example: You would have to put the object in a measuring glass with water in it. (~1/3 filled) Put the object in it and then get the number from the measuring glass (beaker etc. mostly beaker) and that is how you measure a irregular solid!

What tools would you use t measure volume and mass of a solid?

To measure the volume of a solid, you would place the solid in a graduated cylinder or beaker (depending on the size of the solid) with a recorded volume of water. After putting the solid in the water, the water will rise, and subtracting the original volume from the final volume will give you the volume of the solid. Ex. Put a block in a graduated cylinder with 50 mL of water and the level rises to 75 mL. Volume=75-50=25 mL To determine the mass of the solid, you would simply mass it on a balance or scale.

Which unit is best for expressing the volume of an irregular solid?

The best unit for expressing the volume of an irregular solid is usually cubic centimeters (cm^3) or cubic meters (m^3), depending on the size of the object. These units represent the amount of space occupied by the irregular solid in three dimensions and are commonly used in physics and engineering.

What are the steps you would use to find the volume of an irregular solid in an overflow can?

Fill the can with a liquid to the top so it almost overflows. Put the solid in the can and catch the overflowing liquid. Measure the liquid. The measurement of the liquid will give you the volumn of the solid.