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Q: What interests you more about the relationship between on a cougar and her kittens?
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How many cougar kittens are born in a litter?

Litter size of a cougar is between one and six cubs; typically two.

How many cubs does a female cougar have?

Litter size of the cougar is between one and six cubs; typically two.

How are cougar kittens and domestic kittens similar?

Cougars and domestic kittens are both felines

What are cougar babies called?

Cougar babies are called cubs but some people refer to them as kittens seeing as cougars are in the feline group.

What symbiotic relationship does a cougar have?

with your best friend

How long do Cougar live?

the cougar kittens stay with their mom for 1-2 years. other than that, cougars are solitary animals and dont live w/each other.

What kind of symbiotic relationship does the cougar have?

The cougar is in symbiosis with the deer. The cougar hunts and keeps the deer population in balance by preying upon the weaker animals, and the deer provide the cougar with a food source.

What is a younger person who is in a relationship with an older person called?

a cougar (if the girl is older)

How often to the cub of a mountain lion have litter?

A puma can have 1 to 3 babies per liter. Their babies are known as kittens or cubs and they can grow up to 6 to 9 feet in length.Mountain Lion litters are usually about one to six kittens.mountain lions have about six kittensIt Is Most Likely 2.The average female Cougar will become sexually mature between 1 and a half years to 3 years of age. She may breed year round, but seasonal is more common. The seasons are usually during late winter, and early spring. The female Cougar will be receptive for about 8 days, and they will breed often. If she becomes pregnant, the gestation period is normally about 91 days, but sometimes a few more days, maybe up to 97 days. The litter size can be from 1 to 6 kittens, but the average size is about 2 to 3 kittens in a litter. There isn't a standard for her breeding years, she might breed for most of her life, or just one year. The female will raise the kittens alone, and they are totally dependent on her when they are born. The kittens will stay with their mother for the first 2 years of their life, and she will not breed again for the next 2 to 3 years. Did you know that a cougar mom can run 50mph for 160 yards?For more details, please see the sites listed below.a female cougar usally has 2 or 3kittens

Another name a baby cougar goes by?

a baby cougar looks like an ordanary cat it has black or tan spots

What do baby cougars look like?

Cougar babies look and act like kittens, but they are called cubs. Of course, they belong to the cat family.Baby cougars are bigger than kittens. They weigh about a pound when they are born. They are born covered with fur and, like kittens, they are blind.Cougars have from one to five cubs at one time.very big and long kinda of tan has black marks on there face could have black spots or be completely black.(hi)baby cougars look like a big cougar! acept smaller. they are born with closed eyes and helpless. plus... their adorable!

What do Cougar look like?

Cougar babies look and act like kittens, but they are called cubs. Of course, they belong to the cat family.Baby cougars are bigger than kittens. They weigh about a pound when they are born. They are born covered with fur and, like kittens, they are blind.Cougars have from one to five cubs at one time.very big and long kinda of tan has black marks on there face could have black spots or be completely black.(hi)baby cougars look like a big cougar! acept smaller. they are born with closed eyes and helpless. plus... their adorable!