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The instrument used to measure a angle is called a protractor!

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Q: What intrument is used to measure an angle?
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What instrument is used to measure an angle?

A protractor is used to measure an angle.

What instrument is used to measure on angle?

A protractor can be used to measure an angle.

Intrument used to measure length?

Ex.: ruler, caliper, micrometer, special microscope, graduated tape, etc.

What instrument is used to masure an angle?

A protractor is used to measure an angle

What angle is used to measure?

It is used to measure rotational displacement.

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What is used to measure a angle?

the unit used to measure angle is degree. It is also measured in radians.

What point is used to align an instrument to measure an angle?

the vertex of the angle

What instuments is used to measure an angle?

A protractor is used to measure angles.

What equipment is used to measure the angle?


What interment is used to measure an angle?

A protractor.

What instrutument is used to measure an angle?

A protractor