"Very gorgeous lady!" is one English equivalent of the Italian phrase Molto bellissima signora!
Specifically, the adverb molto is "very" in this context. The feminine superlative adjective bellissimameans "extremely/most/very beautiful, gorgeous." The feminine noun signora translates as "lady, Ma'am."
The pronunciation will be "MOL-to bel-LEES-see-ma see-NYO-ra" in Italian.
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"Lady" in English is signora in Italian.
"My Lady" in English is Signora in Italian.
"Hello, Mrs."! in English is Salve, signora! in Italian.
Bellissima signora is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "gorgeous lady." The feminine singular superlative and noun translate literally as "beautifulest lady" or "most beautiful lady" in English. The pronunciation will be "bel-LEES-see-ma see-NYO-ra" in Italian.
"Married woman" in English is donna sposata in Italian.
"Congratulations!" in English to a woman means Felicitazioni, signora! in Italian.
literally della signora or di Donna
Grazie, sensuale signora.
"Ms" in English means signorina for a woman in her 30s or younger and signora for a woman in her 40s or older in Italian.
hello ladies/hello dear - ciao cari
"Yes, beautiful lady!" in English is Sì, bella donna! or Sì, bella signora! in Italian.
Signora is an Italian equivalent of the English word "madam." The feminine singular noun also may be translated into English as "lady, Mrs." Regardless of meaning or use, the pronunciation remains "see-NYO-ra" in Italian.