"Stress engineer" is an English equivalent of the French phrase ingénieur calcul. The masculine singular job title may be found expanded to ingénieur calcul de structures to emphasize structural stress engineering skills. The pronunciation will be "eh-djey-nyur kal-kyool (duh stryook-tyoor)" in French.
Institut de mécanique céleste et de calcul des éphémérides was created in 1998.
The English meaning for 'Les compétences des chevaux divins sont divisées par deux dans le calcul du prestige des compétitions' is The powers of the divine horses are divided by two when calculating the level of competition
M. Picard has written: 'Le calcul quotidien'
Daniel Villesuzanne has written: 'Le calcul du geometre'
Rene . Brandicourt has written: 'Le chemin du calcul'
For a circle, area = pi x radius2, where pi is approximate 3.14.
Robert Gouiran has written: 'Introduction au calcul matriciel' -- subject(s): Matrices
A. Boivin has written: 'Theorie et calcul des figures de diffraction de revolution'
Joseph Alfred Serret has written: 'Cours de calcul differentiel et integral'
Thomas Leseur has written: 'Elemens du calcul integral' -- subject(s): Calculus, Integral, Integral Calculus
Jean Jacques Gleitz has written: 'Le calcul analogique' -- subject(s): Electronic analog computers