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Q: What is -145 subtracted from 77?
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(77 - 32)/1.8 = 45/1.8 = 25

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The average mass of 3 men is 77kg The average mass of 2 of the men is 72.5kg What is the mass of the 3rd man?

The everage mass of three men is: (a + b) / 3 = 77, where a is mass of two first men combined and b is a mass of third man. The everage mass of two men is: a / 2 = 72.5, therefore a = 145, and (145 + b) / 3 = 77 145 + b = 231 b = 231 - 145 = 86 Answer: Mass of the third man is 86 kg.

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The number to be subtracted is 11.The number to be subtracted is 11.The number to be subtracted is 11.The number to be subtracted is 11.

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The subtrahend is subtracted from the minuend

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36.32 subtracted by 25.75 = 10.57

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65 subtracted by 2012 = -1947

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2012 subtracted by 1967 = 45

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103.50 subtracted by 15.12 = 88.38

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54 subtracted by 49 = 5