0.6667 = 2/3
66.67% = 6667/10000
66.67% = 0.6667 as a decimal and 6667/10000 as a fraction
The fraction two thirds can be written as 2/3, or in decimal form, approximately .6667 (the decimal expansion goes on to infinity, .6666666...).
8/12 = 0.66... which can be rounded to 0.667, or .6667 depending on the degree of accuracy desired.
2.6667= 2 + 6667/10000= 2 6667/10000 in fraction
It is: 66.67 = 6667/100
0.6667 = 2/3
66.67% = 6667/10000
66.67% = 0.6667 as a decimal and 6667/10000 as a fraction
anything to the left of the decimal is a whole number (# > 1). anything to the right of the decimal is not a whole and therefore a fraction (# < 1). .6667 = 6667/10000 (number ends on the 10000th place to the right of the decimal) so, 2.6667 is 2 and 6667/10000. or... (whole # x (denominator)) + numerator) = numerator = 2 (10000) +6667 = 26667 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- denominator remains the same... = 10000 so, 2.6667 = 2 and 6667/10000 = 26667/10000
The fraction two thirds can be written as 2/3, or in decimal form, approximately .6667 (the decimal expansion goes on to infinity, .6666666...).
8/12 = 0.66... which can be rounded to 0.667, or .6667 depending on the degree of accuracy desired.
try these: 6667, 1337, 5993, 8409, or 1357
9.67 in fraction form is 967/100 in fraction form
The Young and the Restless - 1973 1-6667 was released on: USA: 9 July 1999
The Bold and the Beautiful - 1987 1-6667 was released on: USA: 27 September 2013