.8333 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 8333/10000. You cannot simplify this rational fraction.
fraction for 8333 = 8333/1
8333 as a fraction = 8333/1
It is a decimal
14 over 50 converted into a decimal = 0.28
-3 over 2 converted to a decimal is -1.5
83.33% = 8333/10000
Decimal points are important. If that's 0.8333, the answer is 8333/10,000
fraction for 8333 = 8333/1
8333 as a fraction = 8333/1
1, 13, 641, 8333
15/100 converted to a decimal is 0.15.
7/10 converted into a decimal = 0.77/10:= 7 ÷ 10= 0.7 in decimal
5.28 is a decimal.
It is a decimal
14 over 50 converted into a decimal = 0.28