It is in decimal form.
That IS the decimal form.
62.5 is in decimal form. If you mean 62.5% then it is 0.625 in decimal form.
100% in decimal form is 1.00. 50% in decimal form is 0.50. Therefore, 82.7% in decimal form is 0.827.
11.25 is already in decimal form. It is a decimal number with two decimal places.
That is the decimal form.
0.29 IS in decimal form.
That is decimal form.
That is the decimal form.
That is the decimal form.
It is in decimal form.
That IS the decimal form.
62.5 is in decimal form. If you mean 62.5% then it is 0.625 in decimal form.
100% in decimal form is 1.00. 50% in decimal form is 0.50. Therefore, 82.7% in decimal form is 0.827.
0000009 is the code if it doesnt work than no kidding
11.25 is already in decimal form. It is a decimal number with two decimal places.
It is already in decimal form.