The number 0.00025 can be written as 2.50 × 10-4 in scientific notation.
The word form is discrete!
13 in word form is: thirteen.thirteen
12 in word form is twelve.
25 centigrams is .00025 kilograms
Half of 0.05 is 0.025
The number 0.00025 can be written as 2.50 × 10-4 in scientific notation.
25/100 of a meter = 25 centimeters 25/100 of 1000 meters (or 1km)= .00025 km <<<
what form of word is wolf
"lecture" is a word form!
The word form is discrete!
The dictionary form of the word "do" is "do".
It is short word form. Standard form is 70,000 and word form is seventy thousand.