Ah, let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of numbers. To express 0.00385 to 2 decimal places, we simply look at the third digit after the decimal point. Since it's 5, we round up the second decimal place, giving us 0.00.
It is 4.97 rounded to 2 decimal places
Stated to 2 decimal places, it's 342.99Rounded to 2 decimal places, it's 343.00
Rounded to 2 decimal places 0.3081 is 0.31
2356164.38 already has only 2 decimal places, so there is no need to round it.
1.76 to 2 decimal places = 1.76
2/9 to two decimal places is 0.22 .
1.35 to 2 decimal places is 1.35 (1.35 is already to 2 decimal places.)
2.3432 to 2 decimal places is 2.34.
What is 15.2881 to 2 decimal places?
It is 4.97 rounded to 2 decimal places
You can only round a number to 2 decimal places if it currently has more than 2 decimal places.
73.00 - if you want to show that it is accurate to 2 decimal places.
132600 = 132600.00 to 2 decimal places
Stated to 2 decimal places, it's 342.99Rounded to 2 decimal places, it's 343.00
It is 0.69 to two decimal places
2/7 = 0.29 in decimal