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What is Check DCL on a 94 Lincoln Continental?

DCL refers to data control link, somtimes the plugs in back lose the connection. Follow this link, the info should help. It worked on my 92.

How do you fix 93 Lincoln Continental if your check DCL light comes on?

AnswerThis should help. The only fix is to have the cluster reworked. Search Ebay for DCL errors. It can be fixed for $50 - $60 bucks

How do you replace the dash lights in a 1994 Lincoln continental?

Assuming you mean the instrument cluster lights, consult this link: If you are referring to other lights (radio, switches, etc.) those are not serviceable. You have to replace the unit that's failing.

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as a percentage of 1 0.532 is 53.2% depends on what it is a percentage of

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What does check dcl on a 1992 Lincoln Continental mean?

DCL refers to data control link, somtimes the plugs in back lose the connection. Follow this link, the info should help. It worked on my 93. Loose connection is not the problem. It may at best temporarily fix the issue but the problem is with the electronics inside. Had a guy on eBay fix it for $60. Have never had problems again