It is: 34/25 in its simplest form
It is: -27/200
In decimals, that is simplest form. When converted to a fraction it would be 1 17/25.
3/250 is the fraction in simplest form
It is: 34/25 in its simplest form
0.45 as a fraction in its simplest form is 9/20
0.1 converted to a fraction in simplest form is 1/10. The first digit after the decimal is the tenths column. So if there is a 3 in the tenths column, the simplest fraction is 3 tenths, or 3/10.
It is: -27/200
In decimals, that is simplest form. When converted to a fraction it would be 1 17/25.
5.12 as an improper fraction in its simplest form is 128/25
9.055 as an improper fraction in its simplest form is 1811/200
It is: 0.6 = 3/5