The phone number of the Campbell Branch is: 608-783-0052.
The phone number of the Farnsworth House is: 630-552-0052.
The phone number of the Ceiba Norte Library is: 787-713-0052.
The phone number of the Sonya Crawshaw Branch Library is: 630-372-0052.
The phone number of the New Smyrna Museum Of History is: 386-478-0052.
13,000,000,000 ÷ 2,500,000,000,000 = .0052 x 100 = 0.52%
The address of the Filer Public is: 219 Main St, Filer, 83328 0052
The address of the Woodgate Free Library is: 11051 Woodgate Road, Woodgate, 13494 0052
The address of the Durham Historical Society is: Po Box 52, Durham, PA 18039-0052
The address of the Liberty Hall is: Po Box 52, South Dennis, MA 02660-0052
The address of the Bley House Museum is: Po Box 52, Dorset, VT 05251-0052