Think DP. If it is decimal to percent then move the decimal to the right two places. .05=5 percent
It is 005 percent!
x - 0.5% = 500x - .005 = 500x - .005 + .005 = 500 + .005x = 500.005Check:x = 500.005500.005 - 0.5% = 500500.005 - .005 = 500500 = 500So x - 0.5% = 500 when x is .005.
005% = 5% which, as a decimal is 0.05
005 = 5.0 × 1000.05 = 5.0 × 10-2
The difference is 5 thousandths. .010 -.005 = .005
Multiply 0.005 by 100 to convert to percent: 0.005 × 100 = 0.5%
005 is thicker than 003
Less than .005%. People with 2 tongues is a very rare occurrence
.005= .5%
005 = 5
0.005 = 0.5% and, as a fraction, it is 005/1000 = 1/200.
005 = 5 so the reciprocal of 005 = reciprocal of 5 = 1/5 = 0.2
3650 * 005 = 18,250
It is 005 percent!
x - 0.5% = 500x - .005 = 500x - .005 + .005 = 500 + .005x = 500.005Check:x = 500.005500.005 - 0.5% = 500500.005 - .005 = 500500 = 500So x - 0.5% = 500 when x is .005.