The word form is discrete!
13 in word form is: thirteen.thirteen
12 in word form is twelve.
The word form is eleven.
How to write 64.218 in word form
The A14B-0061-B001 is the 5 volt and 24 Volt Power Supply for a Fanuc 6 CNC Control. It is interchangeable with a Fanuc A14B-0061-B002 power supply.
where the my examination centre no 0061
0061 7 31638111
I used code 0061 to text Australia
0061 2 then local area code
Drop the 0 from the start of the number and replace with 0061.
You would dial 0061 (the code for Australia - then the subscribers number
The address of the Burlington is: Patterson Creek Road, Burlington, 26710 0061
Australia uses country code +61, dialled as 0061 from the UK.