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Q: What is 0.0781 to 1 significant place?
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3. Any number that is not a 0 is a significant number. Rules for Significant Figures: 1. Non-zero numbers are always significant. (example: 1-9) 2. Zeroes between non-zeroes are always significant. (ex: the zero in 908 is significant) 3. All final zeroes to the far right of the decimal place are significant. (ex: the zeroes in 34.0 and 7.0 is significant) 4. Zeroes that act as place holders are not significant. (ex: the zeroes in 600 are not significant) 5. Zeroes before a decimal act as place holders and are not significant. (ex. the zero in 0.12 is not significant)

How many significant figures are in 0.03?

1. The rest are just place holders.

How many significant figures are in 370.0?

370.0 has four significant figures, because the last zero indicates the precision of the number (to 1 decimal place).

The number 221.5 contains 2 significant figures?

no it contains 4 significant figures. and 1 decimal place. a significant number is every number written down including zero if after an integer

What are the significant figures of 001?

The two numbers mentioned in the question have four significant figures (often called significant digits). If you wish to check your knowledge of sig-digs, check out the following link:

How many significant figures are in the number 01034.720?

Seven: starting with the 1 and ending with the 0 in the thousandths place..

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Where On 1-3 July 1863 the greatest battle of the American civil war took place?

One of the most significant battles of the Civil War took place in Gettysburg July 1-3, 1863. It was a significant loss for Southern troops, and the beginning of the North's bid to win the war.

What is the role of uncertainty when using significant figures?

The uncertainty in a number is equal to one half of the place value of the last significant figure.So, for example, with 2.36, the last sig fig is the 6 in the hundredths place. So the uncertainty is half of 1/100 or 5 thousandths.The uncertainty in a number is equal to one half of the place value of the last significant figure.So, for example, with 2.36, the last sig fig is the 6 in the hundredths place. So the uncertainty is half of 1/100 or 5 thousandths.The uncertainty in a number is equal to one half of the place value of the last significant figure.So, for example, with 2.36, the last sig fig is the 6 in the hundredths place. So the uncertainty is half of 1/100 or 5 thousandths.The uncertainty in a number is equal to one half of the place value of the last significant figure.So, for example, with 2.36, the last sig fig is the 6 in the hundredths place. So the uncertainty is half of 1/100 or 5 thousandths.

How many significant figures in 17.000?

The correct answer is 2. The three zeros between the decimal point and the 1 are place holders but they are NOT significant digits. See, for example, the Wikipedia link.