A decimal fraction such as 0.0860 cannot be simplified.
It may be, and in this case is possible to simplify the equivalent fraction 860/10000 = 43/500.
7/30 cannot be simplified.7/30 cannot be simplified.7/30 cannot be simplified.7/30 cannot be simplified.
It can not be simplified further.
10.9 cannot be simplified.
8 already is simplified.
it is already simplified
7/30 cannot be simplified.7/30 cannot be simplified.7/30 cannot be simplified.7/30 cannot be simplified.
It can not be simplified further.
78 simplified is 78.
What is 2.75 simplified
It is simplified.
No it can not be simplified
700 is already simplified
0.023 cannot be simplified.
can not be simplified
67.5 cannot be simplified.
That can't be simplified further.
10.9 cannot be simplified.