Since percent is per one hundred, and 1.00 would be 100 and 0.08 would be 8%.
008 = 8 = 800%
To convert to percent, move the decimal two places to the right. If you mean .008, the percent is 0.8 %If you mean 8, the percent is 800%
To go from percent to decimal divide by 100, or move decimal two places to he left .008% = .00008
1600 x .008 = 12.8
008 = 8 = 800%
0.008 in percent = 0.8%
To convert to percent, move the decimal two places to the right. If you mean .008, the percent is 0.8 %If you mean 8, the percent is 800%
To go from percent to decimal divide by 100, or move decimal two places to he left .008% = .00008
1600 x .008 = 12.8
It is: 4/500 times 100 = 0.8% or as 4/5 percent
0.008 percent:= 0.008%= 0.00008 in decimal= 8/100000 or 1/12500 in fraction
Written in word format, 32 005 008 is thirty two million five thousand, eight.