.0125. Percent means out of 100 or divide by 100. 1.25 divide by 100 means moving the decimal to the left two places = .0125.
5210. - .0125 = 5209.9875 A decimal does not have to be smaller than 0 so 5210 IS a decimal.
There is not much that can be done to write out this decimal into a fraction, except to make it into the simplest form. With 4 digits in 0125, the very last digit is the "10000th" decimal place. So it would be 0125/10000.
.0125. Percent means out of 100 or divide by 100. 1.25 divide by 100 means moving the decimal to the left two places = .0125.
5210. - .0125 = 5209.9875 A decimal does not have to be smaller than 0 so 5210 IS a decimal.
The answer will depend on 0125 WHAT! Inches, feet, miles, micrometres?The answer will depend on 0125 WHAT! Inches, feet, miles, micrometres?The answer will depend on 0125 WHAT! Inches, feet, miles, micrometres?The answer will depend on 0125 WHAT! Inches, feet, miles, micrometres?
There is not much that can be done to write out this decimal into a fraction, except to make it into the simplest form. With 4 digits in 0125, the very last digit is the "10000th" decimal place. So it would be 0125/10000.
It is: 0.813 = 813/1000 in its simplest form
It is: 0.675 = 27/40 in its simplest form
Well, honey, 28 over 27 is already in its simplest form. It's not like that fraction is going to the gym to work out and get any simpler. So just leave it be and let it live its best fraction life.