.12 is 12% as a decimal.
012 = 12 = 1200%
Converting 2012000 to a decimal requires information on the base used.
Dr. Pepper rule. DP means decimal to percent move decimal to right to get percent. Move decimal to the left to change percent to decimal. 25.3%=.253
.12 is 12% as a decimal.
012 = 12 = 1200%
12 thousandths = 0.12 in decimal
Converting 2012000 to a decimal requires information on the base used.
Times any number by 100 and you convert any number that you have into percent. The word "cent" means one-hundred (100). The word "Percent" means... PER-CENT (every one-hundred) I am assuming you meant "write .12 as a percent" This is 12%. But 012 as a percent is 1200%.
70.8 percent percent as a decimal is 0.708.
Dr. Pepper rule. DP means decimal to percent move decimal to right to get percent. Move decimal to the left to change percent to decimal. 25.3%=.253
.025 is thicker than .012