1% = .01 = 1/100
1/100 is equivalent to 1%, which is equivalent to .01. In another example, 1/25 is equivalent to 4%, which is equivalent to .04.
To convert a number into its percent equivalent, multiply by 100:3.5 x 100 = 350%
Multiply decimals by 100 to get the equivalent percentage: 131 x 100 = 13,100%
Simply multiply decimals by 100 to get the equivalent percentage: 0.12 x 100 = 12 %
1% = .01 = 1/100
45% = 0.45
14.4% = 0.144
1/100 is equivalent to 1%, which is equivalent to .01. In another example, 1/25 is equivalent to 4%, which is equivalent to .04.
It is an equivalent fraction whose denominator has been set to 100.
To convert a number into its percent equivalent, multiply by 100:3.5 x 100 = 350%
Multiply decimals by 100 to get the equivalent percentage: 131 x 100 = 13,100%
Simply multiply decimals by 100 to get the equivalent percentage: 0.12 x 100 = 12 %
Simply multiply decimals by 100 to get the equivalent percentage: 0.03 x 100 = 3 %
.18 is the decimal of 18%. A percent = .01 or one one hundreth.
1.520 percent converted to words = one and fifty two hundredths percent
68 converted into a percent = 6800%68 * 100% = 6800%