In Roman Numerals: 05- V 01- I 1984- MCMLXXXIV
none. 5cm is .05 of a meter so if there were to be an answer i assume it would be .05 squared meters
In Roman Numerals: 05- V 01- I 1984- MCMLXXXIV
Howard Stern on Demand - 2005 Best of 05 01-05 05 2006 was released on: USA: May 2006
.50 + .50 + .25 + .25 +.10 + .10 + .05 + .05 + .01 + .01 = 1.82
The dates 05-01-1954 and 07-05-1961 is Roman numerals are...05-01-1954 would be V.I.MCMLIV and07-05-1961 would be VII.V.MCMLXI
The Meters - album - was created in 1969-05.
Huckabee - 2008 2013-01-05 was released on: USA: 5 January 2013
Pictureka - 2010 2011-01-05 was released on: USA: 5 January 2011
Rome - 2012 2013-05-01 was released on: USA: 1 May 2013
SportsCenter - 1979 2009-05-01 was released on: USA: 1 May 2009