The phone number of the Beowawe Branch Library is: 775-468-0215.
The phone number of the Dewey Hotel Museum is: 918-534-0215.
The phone number of the Seminary South Branch Library is: 817-926-0215.
The phone number of the Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library is: 828-743-0215.
German area codes beginning with 0215 are generally near Düsseldorf, but you need one more digit.
0215 military time is 2:15 AM in 12-hour time format.
Maybe you wife's poisoning you
alt ( hold ) then type 0215. Ex. 2 × 2 = 4
The Armoury is a bar in Denver, Colorado that specializes in soccer and live music. It is located at 2048 Larimer Street, Denver CO 80205. The phone number for the bar is 303-295-0215.
The address of the Sulligent Public Library is: 514 Elm Street, Sulligent, 35586 0215
The address of the Barryton Public Library is: 198 Northern Avenue, Barryton, 49305 0215
The address of the Daykin Public Library is: 201 Mary Avenue, Daykin, 68338 0215