It's definitely a replica. I have one with SSN 0234 that I found in my Mom's jewelry box after she passed away. I took it to a jewelry store to have the battery replaced and check on the authenticity and was told it was not a true Tag Heuer.
as a percentage of what
if its out of 8 then percentage is 90 if its out of 10 then percentage is 72
9 in a percentage = 900%
112 as a percentage = 11200%
It is: 2.34*10^2
1500 profession 200 meters 0234
R. Andersen has written: 'Counting (Championship Bridge Series, No 24, Vol 3/0234)'
The address of the Stanwood Public Library is: 202 E Broadway, Stanwood, 52337 0234
The address of the Cashton Memorial Library is: 720 Broadway St., Cashton, 54619 0234
The address of the Friends Of Chrisholm is: Po Box 234, Trenton, OH 45067-0234
0234 for locals, ....internatinally, ignore de first two digits (n de code becomes 34)
The address of the Addison Branch Library is: 102 South Talbot Street, Addison, 49221 0234
The phone number of the Liberty Aviation Museum is: 419-732-0234.
The address of the Morris Historical Society is: Po Box 234, Morris, CT 06763-0234