A decimal benchmark example would be 43 divided by 2. a decimal benchmark would be 42 divided by 2 because everyone knows that all even numbers are divisible by 2
1.9 Rounded to the nearest tenth
The answer depends on which fractions you consider as benchmarks.
There is no such thing as the "nearest decimal place".
5.43 to the nearest decimal place = 5.4
It depends what the benchmark is!
A decimal benchmark example would be 43 divided by 2. a decimal benchmark would be 42 divided by 2 because everyone knows that all even numbers are divisible by 2
It depends on the circumstances. Sometime 0.25 (multiplication by 4) is good, at others (division by 3) 0.3 is better.
It depends on the circumstances. Sometime 0.8 (division by 2) is good, at others (division by 3) 0.75 is better.
1.9 Rounded to the nearest tenth
A benchmark fraction is the bar line in the middle of the fraction. :)
0.18 = 9/500.46 = 9/20 (approx)0.225 = 9/400.099 = 1/10 (approx).
The answer depends on which fractions you consider as benchmarks.
14/15 hope this helps
It is: 0.225 = 9/40 in its simplest form