To convert from inches to mm, you must multiply by 25.4.
7 040 yards = 4miles
Expressed in words, this is equal to two million forty thousand eight hundred.
No, 04 = 4 whereas 040 = 40. You usually do not put a zero before a non-zero number unless you are using a decimal point. If you meant to use a decimal point, then .04 and .040 are equal although the latter is considered to be more precise because it is accurate to 2 decimal places wheras the former is accurate to only one decimal place.
In octal notation, the ASCII code for a space is 040. So, the octal equivalent for a space is simply 040.
The answer is 823 040.
Depends on usage, should be around .040 inchDepends on usage, should be around .040 inch
0.040 is 4%
.040 is rcommended gap .040