To convert any decimal to percent, simply multiply the decimal by 100.
It depends on whether the question refers to 047 seconds, hours, days, years or some other measure of time.
Well, darling, to write 4.7 percent as a decimal, you simply move the decimal point two places to the left. So, 4.7 percent as a decimal is 0.047. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
.047 as a fraction is 47/1000
Least to greatest is: 0.354, 0.47, 0.481, 0.5
047/100 = 47 %
To convert 0.047 to percent multiply by 100: 0.047 × 100 = 4.7 %
No. Half of 1% is 0.005 which is a lot smaller than 0.047
It depends on whether the question refers to 047 seconds, hours, days, years or some other measure of time.
Well, darling, to write 4.7 percent as a decimal, you simply move the decimal point two places to the left. So, 4.7 percent as a decimal is 0.047. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
According to the BPI Website, these are the branches near or around Zambales.827 OLONGAPO CITY 1847 Rizal Ave., West Bajac-Bajac, Olongapo City Tel: (047) 222-2529 / 223-4016 Fax: (047) 222-2829 879 OLONGAPO CITY MALL - Express Banking Center Olangpo City Commercial center, Lot 21, Magsaysay Drive, Olongapo City Tel: (047) 223-2592 Fax: (047) 223-2593 878 OLONGAPO RIZAL Rizal Avenue, Olongapo City Tel: (047) 223-2126 / 223-2127 Fax: (047) 222-5490 094 OLONGAPO ROTONDA 1925 Rizal Ave., West Bajac, Olongapo City Tel: (047) 222-5580 / 223-7376 Fax: (047) 223-7376 839 SUBIC FREEPORT 652 Rizal Highway Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Olongapo City 2200 Tel: (047) 252-3301/ 252-3302 Fax: (047) 252-3301 069 SUBIC SBMA Palm St., Argonaut Highway, Subic Bay Freeport Zone Tel: (047) 252-7828 / 252-7999 Fax: (047) 252-3828 Very soon BPI will open the IBA branch - close to the market !!!
.427 is larger
.047 as a fraction is 47/1000
evolve male Burmy