67.5% of 400 = 270
To calculate 5 percent off of 400, you first convert 5 percent to a decimal by dividing by 100, which gives you 0.05. Then, you multiply 0.05 by 400 to find the discount amount. 0.05 x 400 = 20. Therefore, 5 percent off of 400 is 20.
400 percent of 1000 = 4000
0.6 percent of 400 is 2.4
When you need to find a percent, just multiply your base number (in this case 400) by the percent divided by 100 (so 5/100 = .05). So, 400 x .05 = 20.
67.5% of 400 = 270
0.05 percent = 5 hundredths percent
To calculate 5 percent off of 400, you first convert 5 percent to a decimal by dividing by 100, which gives you 0.05. Then, you multiply 0.05 by 400 to find the discount amount. 0.05 x 400 = 20. Therefore, 5 percent off of 400 is 20.
9 percent of 400 is 36.
69 percent of 400 is 276.
17.5 percent of 400 is 70
8.000 is two percent of 400.
400 percent of 1000 = 4000
0.6 percent of 400 is 2.4
20 percent of 400 is 80.