In order to round to the nearest whole number you first have to consider only digits at place value units or greater. In this case, that would just be 0. The next step is to consider the tenths digit. If it is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 you round up. Otherwise, you leave it as it is (round down). In this case the tenths digit is 8, so you round up. Thus, 0.826 rounded to the nearest whole number is 1.
Yes, there are numbers in 0811, 0821, 0826, and 0891, and possibly other "numéros azurs" and similar numbers for lower-rate calls to the UK from France.
The phone number of the Clymer Library Association is: 570-646-0826.
The phone number of the Chouinard Foundation School is: 626-799-0826.
The phone number of the Oldham County Historical Society is: 502-222-0826.
The phone number of the Academy Of Interactive Arts And Science is: 818-876-0826.
These are special phone numbers in Europe. They are for in country use only, kinid of like our 1800 numbers, except here they are going to charge you by the minute; usually used for tech support or something. Look for a different phone number or email them or a phone number you can dial from the US.
The address of the Keep Council Bluffs Beautiful is: , Council Bluffs, IA 51503-0826
The address of the Berkshire Garden Center Inc is: Po Box 826, Stockbridge, MA 01262-0826
The address of the Custer County Historical Society is: Po Box 826, Custer, SD 57730-0826
The address of the Madison-Morgan County Chamber Of Commer is: Po Box 826, Madison, GA 30650-0826
the Dental Assistant School of Rockland has them 75 S Middletown Rd, Nanuet, NY - (845) 623-0826