.0833333333 with repeating 3 is (2/24) or (1/12)
24÷20=083333 20 hours = .83333 days
Converted to what? It's: 1 hour and 5 minutes or 1.0833 hours [5/60 is .083333] 3,900 seconds [60 seconds per minute x 65] .0451388 of a day [1.0833 hours divided by 24 hours in a day]
Approx. 1 1/2 1Teaspoon = 1/6 oz =.166666 oz. 1/2 Teaspoon = .083333 oz. 1 1/2 Teaspoon = .249999 oz. .282191 oz - .249999 oz. = .032192 oz. or 3/100 of am ounce net balance.
One (1) is 1/12 of a foot. Convert this into a decimal by dividing one (1) by 12. The answer is .083333 etc. You have 32 feet plus .083. Multiply this by the 18 feet, thus 32.083 feet x 18 feet = 577.494 square feet If you are buying flooring, you would round up to 578 square feet.