0.83 = 83%
o.083 as a percent
8.3% times the number by 100
2/24 is 1/12th day as a decimal this is .083 where the 3 is repeating.
Dr. Pepper rule. DP means decimal to percent move decimal to right to get percent. Move decimal to the left to change percent to decimal. 25.3%=.253
0.83%% = 0.0083% = 0.000 083
0.83 = 83%
o.083 as a percent
.083. With 3 infinitely repeating.
Eighty three thousandths is written .083 in decimal form.
8.3% times the number by 100
Eighty-three one thousandths = .083
2/24 is 1/12th day as a decimal this is .083 where the 3 is repeating.
70.8 percent percent as a decimal is 0.708.
One twelfth as a decimal would be 1 / 12, or .08333333333333333 (the 3 is repeating, and so the answer you are probably looking for is .083)one twelth as a decimal = 0.83333
Dr. Pepper rule. DP means decimal to percent move decimal to right to get percent. Move decimal to the left to change percent to decimal. 25.3%=.253