To convert any decimal to percent you just multiply the decimal by 100. So, 0.003 × 100 = 0.3%
It is 0.3%.
003% = 3% of 550 = 550*3/100 = 16.5
0.003% = 0.00003
0.03 = 3% or 3.0%
3 over 1000 as a fraction. 0.3% as a percent.
YES. Because 0.003 < 1.
0.003% = 3/100000
5.5 x .003 = 0.0165
0.03% = 0.0003 or 3/10000
0.003%= 0.00003 in decimal= 3/100000 in fraction
.003 %
To convert a decimal into a percent, move the decimal point two places to the right: .003 = .3%